Directions Coffee Scrub
Marianne Just-Meyer Young Living

Easy Coffee Face Scrub

14. December 2021

I have to admit: I love coffee, especially espresso! So I conveniently have always enough of this ingredient at home, to make an easy peasy face scrub. The coffee grounds of my espresso.

Yes, that’s right: we are using the coffee grounds which usually ends up in our compost.

And this is how it works:

Can be put together sponaneousley.

Mix the coffee groundtogether with some carrier oil, like almond-, sesame-, or Young Living V6 oil complex for a nice pasty texture and add a couple of drops of essential oils. Lavender, Geranium, Patchouli, Orange, Frankierende or Myrrh are great choices.

After cleaning your face you can apply the coffee ground scrub in gentle, circular movements to your face.

I like to apply the coffee scrub while I am in the shower, because the skin of my face is nicely warmed up.

Instead of coffee grounds you could also use grounded oat bran.

I do not like to use sugar or salt as I find them to coarse for delicate facial skin.

Directions: Facial Scrub with Coffee

Storage Life

Of course there are no preservatives in this scrub, storage life is limited. If you store it in the fridge, storage life will be a bit longer. I try to mix it up just before I use it, but adding YL essential oil will help to keep it longer.

If you plan to give this peeling as a gift, please add a note to use it promptly. This is a great recipe if you want to get together with some friends and create maybe even several diys.

Click here for a video about Young Living essential oils for facial care with more recipes and ideas (only available in German):

Marianne Just-Meyer

Kreativ und neugierig, liebe ich es mit den ätherischen Ölen zu arbeiten und hoffe, Dich damit inspirieren zu können. Viel Freude beim Ausprobieren!

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Marianne Just-Meyer Young Living

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