About me
Creativity, independence and auton-omy have always been high prioritiews for me.
I’d like to inspire and encourage you to find new and healthy solutions for everyday appplications or challenges, replacing harmful products by using essential oils or EO based products in your daily life.
My name is Marianne Just-Meyer, and together with my husband Christian Meyer, aka Captain Nitro, we have done just that oursevels, using and loving Young Living’s Essential Oils and products since 2013.

I have worked as free lance midwife attending home births in Germany for almost 10 years, and I have co-founded and helped build up a birth centre in my hometown.
In later years I have also worked in Swiss birth centres .
Eventually I reached a point where I realized that I could not continue and had to change. While the work itself was emotionally very rewarding, the daily workload and responsabilities grew while the financial compensation did not reflect that in any way.
About this time Christian and I got married and went to the UK to get a solodi nautical education, dreaming of sailing together. Both of us being burned out from our previous occupations decided to change, we went to France to work in yachting instead.
While this was exciting and challenging, it made us realize even more how we litereally traded our life time for (not enough) money.
But it still was a learning experience that I would not want to miss.
Love of Herbs
I have been taught herbal medicine in the Wise Women tradition by Susun S Weed in the US of America. This has immensely broadened my knowledge about herbs, weeds and plants in general, which in turn gave me confidence to safely make herbal tinctures, plant extractions and cremes.
All of this has has been of great value to myself as well as all the women and babies I have supported during my time working as home birth /birth centre midwife
At the time my husband and I discovered Young Living in 2013, I was really looking for a meaningful occupation/income earning activity, and -as allways – looking for less toxic everyday products both in house hold and personal care.
At he same time, Christian had some very unpleaseant and also unhealthy experiences using the traditional and toxic cleaning products on board the yacht he was employed at, leaving him with breathing problems and bleached uniforms…. He was upset and completely done dealing with household and cleaning products that endangered his own and his crew’s health while poisoning the ocean that he so loved.
That is when we discovered the Thieves® household cleaner and assorted products, and quickly changed everything including our personal care products. It got even better when I realized that Yl also had Essential Oils to offer! Fantastic!
Both Christian and I independently had various (and not always positive) experiences using EOs earlier, but we realized quickly that THESE oils were in a league of their own.

The first visit on a YL farm in the south of France: Wow, what an experience!
Early summer 2014 was the first time I joined a group of other YL member for a visit on Young Living’s French Farm in Simiane-la-Rotonde.
And I was blown away!
It was absolutely incredible to experience the awareness and old knowledge used by the locals cultivating and destilling lavender and other plants.
Ever since then, we have managed to visit at least one Young Livign farm each year.
Everytime, we gain knew understanding of how all of this works, what some of the key thigngs are, and how dependend of the weather it all is.
And of course I have my very personal “Heureka” experience. I’ll tell you all abou that under “Essential Oils for women”
Generally speaking, I found working with Young Living to be a versatile an powerful way for each and everyone to create an independent and free life for ourselves.
My favorite Essentiual Oils right now are Orange, Jasmine and Patchouli
My Qualifications:

10 years freelance homebirth midwifery in Germany and Switzerland
Co -founder of the birthing centre in Göttingen
Study of herbal medicine with Susun S Weed (Upstate New York, USA)
Massage practitioner (Santa Fe, USA)
Watsu® Practitioner (California, Italy)
Pre-and perinatal trauma therapy (Switzerland)
Biodynamic Cranio Sacral Therapy, Switzerland
We speak English, French, German and Swiss German