Essential Oils for Pregnancy
essential oils for your pregnancy and beyond
No doubt: essential oils can be wonderful little helpers for your pregnancy, birth and the time after that!
And of course, it is very important to use essential oils wisely during this precious time.
There are basically 4 things to consider:
1. Trust and follow your nose
2. Know the quality of your essential oil
3. Quantity
4. Please check out the label and do your own research
Why essential oils during pregnancy?
Being pregnant is without a doubt a time of great changes and transformation – bedywise, emotional as well as social.
High quality essential oils can support you on all levels: they can harmonise, stabilise and balance.
Essential oils can support you when you are feeling temporary unwell, for ex. in early pregnancy and can help to experience this new situation with joy and confidence.
The application of essential oils can help to strengthen the bond with your baby.
With the help of essential oils you can eliminate or reduce toxin in your body care and household cleaning products.
And they can create a relaxing atmosphere in your home, support your healthy breathing, can ground you and add to the possibility of a normal pregnancy.

Are essential oils safe to use during pregnancy?
You can find more and more studies showing the benefits of essential oils for pregnancy.
And of course there are essential oils that are not recommended to use during pregnancy as is the case with some herbs or pharmaceutical medication.
You can download a free pdf with more information here:
You will find more ideas which essential oils you can use.

Add a couple of drops of Lavender essential oil to a carrier oil, for ex. almond oil and apply daily on your growing belly.
A couple of drops of the essential oil blend Gentle Baby™ is equally wonderful as a Bellycare oil
Riechfläschchen = Sniffle bottle
A sniffle bottle ( translated from german 🙂 ) can be a simple yet really effective little helper in the beginning of your pregnancy: just keep it by your bed and in your pocket all the time.
You could use simply a bottle of lemon essential oil, Peppermint or Spearmint. Just open the bottle and take a deep breath in as needed.
Of course you can dilute the above mentioned essential oils with a neutral carrier oil, like almond oil and sniffle as you need it.

Diffuser blends:
„Good morning“: add 1-2 drops of each lemon and peppermint essential oil in your cold diffuser and enjoy the fresh aroma in the morning.
You can find more ideas and information in this free pdf

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